Some people have been asking for a final roundup of The Informer's Greatest Movie Ever Twitter Poll Tournament. So with that in mind here is a link to the first round, here is a link to the second round results and below are the tweets and results from the Sweet 16, the Elite 8 and the Final Four. As you can see our ultimate winner was The Shawshank Redemption.
THE FINAL FOUR: Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Godfather, Home Alone
THE ELITE EIGHT: Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Godfather, Home Alone, Toy Story, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, Back 2 the Future.
THE SWEET 16: Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Godfather, Home Alone, Toy Story, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, Back 2 the Future, CaddyShack, Office Space, Goodfellas, Rocky, The Dark Knight, The Big LeBowski, Deadpool>
Here it is folks. We started with 240 of the best movies ever and we have officially narrowed the list down to the FINAL FOUR!!! So with that in mind here is The Informer's Final Movie Question of the Year: What is the greatest movie in the history of the Universe?— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 25, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to the Elite 8. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE ELITE 8 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 24, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to the Elite 8. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE ELITE 8 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 23, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to the Elite 8. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE ELITE 8 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 22, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to the Elite 8. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE ELITE 8 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 21, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 20, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 20, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 20, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 19, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 19, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to 16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 18, 2017
I put together a list of the Top 240 best movies off all-time and you the voters have narrowed that number down to16. So with that in mind, here is The Informer's "What is the greatest movie ever" Twitter poll question of the day: THE SWEET 16 ROUND!!!— The Informer (@therealinformer) December 18, 2017