Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Prodigy's 2019 NFL Picks: Week 9

The Informer: Hey kid you know what rhymes with "I'm eating a Ho-Ho"?

The Prodigy: No, what?

The Informer: I went 15 and 0-0 last week.

The Prodigy: Good for you Informer (sarcastic clap). What's that make you? 1-7 against me on the year?

The Informer: Yes, 1-7 (shaking head after being reminded of failure).

The Prodigy: Don't worry Informer, I am sure they make participation trophies for guys like you who get lucky and win one week. Keep your head up buddy. There is no shame in going 1-15 against The Kid. I promise.

The Prodigy: One last thing Informer, why don't you ask Bob Barker what he thinks about your 2019 straight up NFL Picks?

The Informer: Bob Barker? That is a weird request. Do you even know who Bob Barker? Have you ever watched the Price is Right? This is a very confusing. But ok, I will bite: Hey Bob Barker, what do you think about The Informer when it comes to picking NFL Games?

Bob Barker:

The Informer: I walked right into that one. Nice work kid. And good luck in Week 9. You are gonna need it.

The Prodigy's straight up picks: 49ers, Texans, Eagles, Colts, Jets, Chiefs, Panthers, Bills, Hawks, Raiders, Packers, Browns, Pats, Cowboys.
The Prodigy ATS: 49ers, Texans, Eagles, Colts, Jets, Chiefs, Panthers, Bills, Hawks, Raiders, Packers, Donkeys, Pats and Cowboys.

And as always, here is video evidence/explanations for why The Prodigy is taking who he is taking.


Straight Up: 83-37-1
ATS: 62-58-1


Straight Up: 75-45-1
ATS: 68-52-1

(The Informer's Week 9 Straight Up Picks: 49ers. Texans, Eagles, Colts, Jets, Vikings, Panthers, Bills, Hawks, Lions, Packers, Browns, Pats and Cowboys)

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